Welcome to Fair Coffee
Nature Protection
Fair Income
Education and Health
Fair Coffee
We guarantee the complete traceability of our coffee back to the drying plant in the country of origin.
Behind the Fair Coffee seal are strict rules that aim to secure the salary and working conditions of our coffee farmers.
To learn more about our projects, enter your project number in the search box below
The Fair Coffee Seal
Our Fair Coffee Seal stands for controlled ecological, fairly paid coffee cultivation, which is guaranteed by EthioCo GmbH.
This trademark is the main component of the sustainability seal developed by EthioCo. The associated coding enables consumers to track the exact origin of the coffee they buy. The Fair Coffee Seal is intended to create added value in the form of an emotional connection to the sustainably produced product and to connect customers with our farmers.
EthioCo for Fair Trade
Education Against Poverty
A good education is the foundation for escaping poverty and leading an independent life. Children who go to school have better prospects for a job later on. They learn to form an opinion and make their own decisions. They know how to stay healthy and protect themselves from diseases, for example.
Fair Coffee projects restore unsafe classrooms or have new ones built. Fair Coffee takes special care to ensure that the school buildings are built sturdily to withstand any storms.
Teaching Material
Students and teachers are provided with necessary books, notebooks and other learning materials. For the classrooms we provide benches, tables and blackboards.
Pedagogical Staff
Well-trained teachers guarantee child-friendly supervision as well as extensive knowledge transfer.